Auckland Refugee Graduates October 2017

Congratulations to all the families who recently graduated from the Auckland Refugee Computers in Homes programme in Auckland on the 28th of October 2017.

We are very fortunate to have a great team at the Ryan Center who provide the training and support for the selected families to continue on their ICT journey.

Many thanks to the Ministry of Education, Red Cross, Ryan Center, Cross Cultural and Social workers and of course our trainer and interpreters.


Palmerston North Refugee Graduates October 2017

Excitement and fun while learning how could you wish for anything more!

Freyberg High School, the local provider for the Refugee Connect programme in Palmerston North delivered yet another successful programme for our first group of Refugee Connect families  having newly settled in Palmerston North this year.  The group consisted of Palestinian, Afghan and Burmese families who committed wholeheartedly to the programme.

Many of the families expressed appreciation to Doug Strachan the trainer for the group as Doug is always finding innovative ways to help the families feel more confident using technology.

With a majority of the families children also attending the High School they have become familiar with the children's school surrounding which also helps with their integration into the community.

Also the support from the Ministry of Education representative Maureen Zaya,  Associate Principal Wendy Jochem, Palmerston North City Councillor Adrian Broad and of course our fantastic team of translators Deven Rai, Lamia Mahmoud and Muhammad Raza also Red Cross representative.

We look forward to assisting many more families in Palmerston North in the future.

Our team at Freyberg High School

Dunedin Refugee Graduation August 2017

What a wonderful occasion for the Syrian and Palestinian families who have recently settled in their new home town of Dunedin. On the 4th of August nine families celebrated graduating from the Refugee Connect programme at Carisbrook School.

Local 20/20 Trust Refugee Dunedin coordinator Janine Lonergan said it was a great day for the families as they committed to the 30 hour training with ease.

The newly up-skilled families have taken home their new refurbished devices and will be able to engage better with their families overseas and with their new communities here in New Zealand.

Happy faces as the families receive their certificates.

Well done everyone.

Hamilton Refugee Graduation July 2017

What a turn out! 

Hamilton Multicultural Trust combined a graduation for it's students who were from their Decypher, Refugee Driver Training Programme, Migrant Employment Solutions and Refugee Computers in Homes Programme on the 13th of July.

What an occasion and to be on stage (and such a large stage) to celebrate the families successes in completing their programmes.

Each family member was required to come up and receive their certificate and have their picture taken.  All you could see was a room full of smiling faces.

Well done Hamilton.  Well done families.  We look forward to many more success stories to come.

Our graduates

Our people behind the scenes

Auckland Graduation July 2017

Our graduates, trainers, support and smiling faces.

A great day to celebrate another success for our Auckland based refugee families that have completed the Computers in Homes programme at the Ryan Center in Auckland.

A very special thank you to Cara Sefuiva who came along and has been supporting the families in the Auckland area for the past year for 20/20 Trust. Thank you for all you have done Cara we will still be inviting you to the graduations in the future and look forward to seeing you there.

It was a day for celebrations and that is what we did.  We are so proud of every family that walks through the doors at the Ryan Center and how they commit to the programme.  Well done everyone.  What an achievement.

Home Sweet Home

What a turn out for the Wellington Refugee families that graduated from the Computers in Homes programme in June this year.

We were so please to have local MP Chris Faafoi come along and celebrate with the families and team who have assisted the families along the way with their computer training, community integration and overall support as new New Zealanders.

Many of the families were feeling the Wellington weather as the sun did not show however there were all smiles and lots of gratitude for the accomplishments from all.

A very special thanks to the Red Cross (Hawa Kazuma Fitzgerald), Ministry of Education (Gina Gonzalez, e-Learning Porirua (Tim Davies-Colley & Ibrahim Raouf-Morton) and the 20/20 Trust Team.

Very proud families
Celebrating together.
We look forward to celebrating with many more families who will begin their journey with us this coming year.

Auckland Graduation May 2017

Graduands, Facilitators, MOE, Red Cross, Tutor, IT and family

An atmosphere of fun and gentle humour was present over the graduation of our latest RYAN Centre Refugee class.  It is always a treat to be able to share the day and be welcomed by the class, the centre and the family members present.

We were delighted to have Shona Te Huki attend and share a few words of encouragement.  

It might have been the sunshine that caused a few of our speakers to be a bit more comedic - something that sent the graduates into giggles and smiles, it might have been the promise of tea and an amazing lunch!

Thank you to the lovely student representative who spoke on behalf of her family and class about the difference being cared for can make, for the different people that help the class before and after graduation. 

Thank you again to the many 'threads' that make our 'tapestry'.

Love is the only cement that can hold this broken community together.
When I am commanded to love, I am commanded to restore community, to resist injustice,
and to meet the needs of my brothers.

Martin Luther King Jnr

Palmerston North Graduates April 2017

and he said... "thank you for teaching me how to use the computer and thank you for the computer and support"

It's always a privilege to be part of a programme where you can see the visible evidence of progress and confidence with our new families that come to New Zealand.  Quite often at each of the graduation ceremonies we are mesmerized by the speeches from the families as they express the delight and gratitude for having taken part in the programme, the support and training they have received and the connections they have created in their new communities.

Palmerston North have recently graduated x7 families in early April with the graduation being held once again at Freyberg High School who are the local partners who hold the training and support for the families.

A special thank you to Palmerston North Deputy Mayor Tangi Utikere, Principal Peter Brooks, Gina Gonzales (MoE), Deven Rai (in school refugee coordinator), Red Cross, our translators and Doug Strachan (Trainer).

A wonderful day with wonderful people

Dunedin graduates April 2017

We have had a very busy month celebrating the wonderful graduates for the Refugee programme.

Graduations started in Dunedin and have continued around the country.

We are very proud of all the families that take part in the programme as many spend their weekends learning in an new environment in a new country.

This cannot be accomplished without the support of the Ministry of Education, local partners and of course our translators, trainers and coordinators

Families in training

                        Our graduates                         

the best part of the day :-)

What's happening in March?

Computer training has commenced this term and all areas have begun Computers in Homes training for our refugee families.

Having recently paid a visit to the Ryan Centre in Auckland I was fortunate enough to meet with the team who were planning to bring in the next group of families together to commence training this month.

Thank you to the Auckland Refugee team for welcoming me.  Special thanks to Dr Arif pictured below who is doing such amazing work supporting each and every family he comes into contact with.

From Left:  Shona Te Huki, Dr Arif & Cara Sefuiva
Other areas that have begun training are:

Wellington, Hamilton, Dunedin & Palmerston North.

The journey to New Zealand

Here is an amazing article from the NZ herald regarding the journey it takes on our refugee families that come and settle in New Zealand.

There is much for us all to understand and comprehend the absolute need for them all to have a safe place to call home.

Please click the link for the full article.